Planning for the End: The Things You Don't Want to Think About. Vol. I
Let's have an honest conversation: Discussing death is not pleasant. And neither is discussing the preparation for death. Lawyers, like anyone else, would prefer to not have these discussions, or even think about the passing of loved ones, and what should happen in the event that they do pass - and they will.
If you are a member of NOVABAA, the odds are greater than average, that you may be the first attorney in your family. Similarly, you may be the only attorney that your family and loved ones feel comfortable approaching. The purpose of this CLE Presentation is to give the VERY basic tools to each of us, and the considerations involved, in ensuring that our loved ones' estates are prepared correctly, and taken care of once they pass. If you are looking at adding another practice area to your portfolio, this isn't the CLE for you. If, however, you have aging/ailing parents, loved ones who you want to ensure are protected when they pass on, or if you (an attorney) have a spouse or children, and want to make sure that they are adequately taken care of, then this is the program for you.
The number of people that die intestate due to the discomfort of having difficult discussions is alarming. This discussion is split into two separate CLE presentations (credits pending): (A) Volume I deals with estate planning and providing you with the tools to ask the right questions to adequately assist your loved ones; and (B) Volume II deals with estate administration where your loved one has passed, and you are the administrator of their estate, and the things that you need consider in that process.
Rightfully or wrongfully, as attorneys our family members are going to look to us for guidance as the subject matter experts in these things, presuming that we specialize in estate planning and preparation (even though they obviously know better). If you've read this far down, it's safe to say that you are not a subject matter expert, and want to at least "do no harm" as you've been deputized into doing the things that you'd rather not be doing. Truth be told, this is uncomfortable work, and yet so very necessary for us to be conversant on in our families / communities.
I hope that you decide to participate in this illuminating CLE Presentation, by NOVABAA's own Xue Connnelly, as she assists us in navigating through these very uncomfortable waters. As with all of our CLE's, it will be free to dues paid members. If you are having difficulty registering, please feel free to contact me at president@novabaa.org. If you haven't paid your dues yet, then pay your dues, and it will be free for you, too! :)